Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assignment III: Logo Design

Its Logo time again. This assignment was for you to produce a personal promo piece. However, if you would like to design for something else that will work too.

You have all done this assignment in the past. The only difference with this one is we need to do a little more planing and structure work. You need to identify your audience, define that audience, and design for that audience. That will be your concept. Before you start coming up with the design you need to define your concept, and share it with me. This should be done ASAP.

If I do not receive a concept from you by saturday morning, I will again assign one.

Once you have defined your concept, it is, Concept Development time. Sketch sketch sketch. We need 3 unique logo designs next tuesday at the beginning of class. You only have one concept but 3 designs communicating that concept.

Sketches: Post your sketches as before, on a separate page of your blog.

Hint: Remember, this is a logo it needs to be clean and identifiable at 1/4 inch and blown up to 80ft tall.

Presentation: If our printer is working, print it, if not bring it however you can. If your doing it by hand use ink for the finished work (brush or sharpie).

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Batman Concept

As our software and technical issues continue to plague us both at home and abroad, taking this into consideration your deadline has been extended till tomorrow morining. Your completed assignment is expected to be posted on your blog as instructed.

  • A page should be added with an appropriately named link (assignment name) containing your sketches. 
  • The finished pieces should be posted as entries into the main part of your blog. 
Online critique is to be completed before our next class, you are to comment on each of your classmates.

Answer these questions. 
  1. Does it communicate the concept?
  2. Is the design easily understood or do you have take time to decipher it? 
  3. If it takes time does this help or hurt it function as a logo?
  4. Can you see it being used effectively as a logo?
  5. Is it neat, clean and or professional?
IF your blog link is missing from the student blog page, or if it is linked to the wrong blog you need to get that to me by 10am tomorrow morning. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog and email

Some rules and how-tos for the blogs.

We have a few changes to the way that we are going to do our blogging this semester. First some reminders about email etiquette.

  • The name of your class is to be the subject of your email, if it involves multiple classes they should be included.  
  • Your class has a name. If asked, what class? Respond with the name NOT the time, or day, or anything else. Especially not 'that one we did the designs or made the pictures in'. Yes, really. 
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions. Do make sure you READ before you ask. If you don't understand something make sure that you have actually read the post or assignment before asking a question. If you have read it, and double checked do not hesitate to ask.
  • Just use common sense.

Your Blogs:
Before we used the blogs for occasional critiques, to turn in work early, or late, and finals. We will continue to do this. but this semester we are going to start using the blogs a lot more. All of our work on them including sketches.

  • The Blog must include your name and the name of the class in the header. It can be in the name of the blog or the description. However you decide to do it, it must clearly indicate who you are and what class it is for.
  • Each image posted is to start with your full name, not abbreviation, nickname or other. 
  • Make a separate page for each assignment, and name the page as such.
  • Post all of your sketches, and work leading up to and including the final piece on that page.
  • The main part of your blog is for finished final work only.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Monday update on Sunday

As some of you may already know, one of our studios are up and running, the other SHOULD be up sometime next week... They NOT ONLY got us up and running they left us with a few surprises. 

In a Nutshell:
  1. The login is your UNM ID and PW, as you would login to your MyUNM.
  2. We now have Adobe CS5, and CS 3 has been removed.
  3. The computers will delete EVERYTHING each night.

What this means to us:

Upgrade CS 5: This sounds like a good thing, and it is... but a bit of a mixed bag. 
  • CS5 is 2 versions newer than we expected to have this semester. 
  • The Adobe Cloud, is essentially CS6, two versions ahead of what we had in the machines. This will make it much easier than it would have been to work between home and the school. 
  • All of your instructors have had no warning about this upgrade, so all of our plans and materials are for cs3. This is going to take some time to get revised so have patient with your instructors.

You need storage: 
  • You can no longer save ANYTHING to the schools computer (for now). If you leave anything it will be automatically deleted before the next morning. You will need a storage device, or online storage subscription. You already have one with your Google account, its called Google ‘Drive’ it is located in the links at the top of your mail page. Drop Box is another very good site to use.