Saturday, August 31, 2013

Batman Concepts

Friday is pasted, as has the extra time I have given all of you. If you have not sent me your list of your concepts, the hour has passed. We need 3 unique designs that communicate the following concepts.
  • Corporate 
  • Environmentalist
  • Southwest
Yes, its to late to include your original design, design for each of the above there. I expect to see your concept development sketches on Tuesday at the beginning of class. (Yes, this also will be a grade.)

Time Extension:
Our studio is up, so we are going to extend the deadline for finished work to Thursday (beginning of class, no extra time allotted).

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Assignment Deadline Today

Hello everyone,
Hope your semester is off to a great start!

Just a reminder, your blog and find design assignment is due today at or before 4:15. Don't forget the written part.

Also, even if you have sent me your blog address I expect you send it again notifying me that your assignment is posted.

This is not intended to be a burden for you, it is just online curtsy. It is expected in the professional world so we may as well make a habit of it now.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly Post

Good morning everyone.
Hope you had a great first week of classes, and an even better weekend! I am going to try to add a weekly entry to the class blog this semester. This will be to recap the previous week, and/or to give an overview of what is going on in the upcoming week, and to communicate other issues effecting the class. Don't expect that it will be the same post for each class. Don't read Page Layout and expect that you know what going on with Photo.

I have corresponded with most of you, if you have not sent me an email, or if you have send an email and not received a response from me please send another ASAP (double check the the spelling of the email to be sure you have it correct). This is not a difficult class, but there is a lot of projects and you do not want to get behind. Send it to

Once you have your Find Design posted on your blog email me the address. I have received most of your blog address, however not all. For the sake of keeping things organized, if you have already sent it, send it again (and please don't forget to include your name. There is no way for me to know who '' is).

Remember, you can't combine blogs, you need a different blog for each class.


ALL of the DDM course conflicts have been resolved.

  • Page Layout II can be taken 2x 
  • 293 Photo can be taken multiple times,
  • Independent Study can be taken for 1cr, 3x. (We are still waiting for registration to change the credit hour, should be done early this week)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Assignment I & II

Assignment I

Yep, its Find Design again, just to get us started thinking again.

Even if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that your know how to do this click HERE and review how to do it.

As you are all experienced and experts at this, in addition to just doing the tracing, on a separate sheet of paper you need to explain what and how design principles and elements, gestalt principles, and how it move and directs you through the piece. See the 'Standing Assignments' link, over there >>>>

This will also count as one of your Descriptive Essay projects.

Once you are done Take a picture, scan, etc. (your phone will work fine for the tracing). The essay portion can be included in the post or you may email it. (If you choose to email it please make the subject fit... Find Design Essay, not Hi or something like that).

Dead Line: Tuesday, Aug 27th  (I will leave the time open, just get it to me before Wed.)

Assignment II: Logo ReDesign

Lets have some fun with this while we get our brain back into it. 

Yes, I know. This is ABSOLUTE HARISY! 
(I can hear a distant mob forming chanting WITCH! BURN HIM! BURN HIM!)
What the He%#! Lets do it anyway!

How many of you thought 'this isn't a logo' when you saw it? Pat your self on the back and when you figure out what it is email me your answer, when you figure it out. (Yes, its a grade too) BUT we are going to make one by incorporating his Initials 'BM" (Yes, I am sick). The Logo and whatever that thing is up there should stand alone or in some way physically connect to each other. 

You may go for a completely new look, or just tweak it a bit, its up to you. It does need to still be recognizable as who/what it is. At a glance it should still communicate the idea and who/what it.

Deadline: Thursday, Aug. 29 beginning of class. 
Just the logo, digital print if possible, digital if printing is not possible, if neither of these are possible for you right now a very well rendered analog image will do. 


Note about the studio situation and Adobe Creative Cloud:

Good News First: Its FREE for the first month, and only $18 for students after that.

Supposedly the studio will be up and running by monday. Even if it is, only about half of our computers are working. That hasn't changed since last year. We also have no student workers again. In a month or so I would expect that many of the ones that are working will not be.

On top of that, over the summer someone decide to steal from our studio. I expect we will have very few hours outside of class times that the studios will be open. If you read the syllabus, you will notice that 'Adobe Creative Cloud subscription' has been added. (While it is on the required materials list, if you don't have a computer that will run it this does not apply to you, contact me and we will work something out.) 

If you are unsure about if your computer will run it call them and ask. It gives you ALL of the Adobe software we have on our machines, but the current versions. If you call them do specify that you will mainly be using Illustrator, Indesign, and Photoshop, (Possibly Lightroom if your in or have taken photography)

Final Note: 
Remember our next and first meeting will be next Thursday, August 29th (don't forget to bring your logo & the other thing).

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to Page Layout II

Looks like we are off to a GREAT start! I am stranded and the studio is out of order and we have no word yet when it will be up again! WHOOHOOO!

They think that will stop us?


To start, to be in this class you must have completed Page Layout I. I'm sorry if you have been misinformed but that is how it has to be.

Now for the rest of you. You all know the routine by now. There are a few changes though, so read the links labeled 'Syllabus' and the one called 'Standing Assignments. We will go over these in more detail soon.

So lets get started with the easiest 300 points you will ever get!

Assignment I: Send me an email (yep, 100pt if you can pull it off correctly the first time). From your Gmail account send me an email with the class name as the subject and your name in the body. This needs to be done NOW! Before tuesdays class.

Assignment II: Get your Blog up. (No, you need to make a new one for this class.) You can include it in the above email too if you like. This needs to be done before next week.

Assignment III: Find the Design. You all remember this from previous classes. Find a full page advertisement. Trace the main shapes on tracing paper, and on a separate paper identify the principles (design and gestalt) used. This is due next Tuesday

Watch this Video on (It should log you in and bring you right to the video now, if not do it the old way. Login to Lynda then Click the link.
'Developing Ideas and Designing Concepts'

ADDITIONAL: There is a new link called 'General Tutorials' in the 'Links' section over there >>>>
Check it out. It has some general how to videos that are useful to all DDM classes