Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Library Posters

April 14 – 20 is National Library Week. 

Our new assignment is to make posters for our library.  Just in case you don't know the name of our library is the 'Zollinger Library'.

National Library Week Site

These posters are to be completed and posted on your blog by the end of next class. Only one poster is required, however if you are in Portfolio, or Practicum/Independent study class(s) you may do more than one for credit in those classes.

If you are doing this project in Photoshop keep in mind that it will be printed a minimum of 24 inches and as long as 36 inches on the longest edge. production is essential to any design work and especially your grade for this one. 

If I collect your poster and it is not large enough to be printed (becomes pixilated) you will receive no credit for the project. Same applies to the deadline. If it is not completed on or before the deadline the grade for the project is 0. 

This is a real world project, and will be produced. 'Real world' rules apply. 

  • Its better to have something (even if it is not perfect) than nothing. No, this is not an excuse for sloppy work or poor design.
  • Production: Making something that can be produced. If someone can't print it it is useless to them, and you will not get paid (in this case graded).
  • Details Count: Spelling, Names, Dates, etc. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Assignment Designing a Logo  (Don't forget to login to Lynda first)

Watch this course from beginning to end, take notes on things that you think are important. (Writing things down will help you remember them as well as giving you something to reference). Pay close attention to each thing he talks about, especially while he is problem solving out loud. Think about the questions he is thinking about and ask your self if what he is saying might apply to your designs, write notes on this too.

NOTE: There may be some usefull info in the sections where he talks about transparencies  DO NOT USE TRANSPARENCIES, FALSE DROP SHADOWS, ETC! as a rule anything below the 'Effect' > 'Rasterize' is off limits!

You are welcome to, but are not required to use download and use the exercise files.

(For those of you in Independent/Practicum class, it might be a good idea to apply this to your revision project too.)

After you watch this, go back and look at your 3 logo/icons and see what you can do to improve them. I expect 3 GOOD designs. Not 1 good and one and 2... not so much.

All three logos are to be posted before or within 30 min of the beginning Monday's class. For the rest of that class period (and as long as it takes) you are to crit each others work. All comments are to be posted before the next meeting class (next Wed.) I expect to see comments from each one of you on each design.

Presentation: Each Logo/Icon should be presented: One blog post for each logo; 2 sheets for each logo.
  1. The first sheet shows the logo/icon presented separately, as below.
  2. The second should have the combined logo/icon design in 5 sizes: .5,  1, 1.5, 3 and 6 inch(s) as below. 
(These should be posted exactly as below... Logo/Icon separately first, then the sized sheet.)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Good News & Bad News

The Good News: We are very close to having our full A.A. and A.F.A. Degrees approved and do away with the A.A.S. that causes us so many problems.

The Bad News: I have no help in getting it all put together and the revisions need to be in this Friday. Sooo... to get it done I have to cancel all my classes this week.

Assignments: We will have an assignment, check back here tomorrow. If you want to turn in your last project to keep it safe, slide it under my office door (rm 221).

If you need anything email or chat with me anytime.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

No Class

Class meeting canceled Wed. March 6,

Post your logos on your blog, and crit each other.

Over break work on your layout for a Business Package (business card, letter head, envelope) It will be due (not mounted) Wed. March 20, after break.

If you need anything over break I'm here.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Artist Lecture

There will be an artist lecture, this Tuesday evening by Nancy Fleming.  Nancy is a Roswell based artist who uses found objects from thrift stores to create her colorful and energetic installations. The Lecture will be at 6 pm in the Calvin Hall Auditorium 248-B.  There will be a reception for the artist in the Ingham Chapman Gallery immediately following the lecture.  All are welcome to attend and light refreshments will be served.  See you then.  John Zimmerman

Extra Credit to those who attend so be sure to sign in and tell me.