Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I may be a little late today. Get started on the assignment below, we will go over it when I get in. Remember to apply principles of design, gestalt, and everything that you learned from the video.


Design a logo for your self as a designer. You should develop both icon and monogram type of logos. At this stage, no color. black and white (color in the next step). Remember, keep it simple. This needs to be designed potentially to be viewed as small as a smartphone icon, to the size of a billboard.


  1. Research, Research, RESEARCH
  2. Sketch, Sketch, SKETCH
  3. Narrow your ideas down to 3, complete using Adobe Illustrator. 
  4. Print on 8.5x 11 paper, 4 sizes - 1/2in, 1in, 2in, 4in.

Mid-Process Crit: 11:30, Tuesday, March 6
  • Show 3 best finished designs
  • Logo and Icon, show separately and combined
  • Color: black
  • Printed: each on 8.5x11 separately.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New rates for Adobe Cloud. You get the full Adobe Suit now for $19.00 a month, I believe Lightroom is included. If your interested them to make sure.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

GAG email

Type Quiz

Click HERE for the Quiz.

This is a take home test. It is due Monday, at 11:30 am. As this is a take home test, open notes, open video, 100% is passing.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Assignment: Type by Hand

  1. Watch ALL of 'Foundations of Type' by Ina Saltz (Take Notes).
  2. Collect at least 5 examples of well done display type. 
  3. Make 2 examples of 'Mardi Gras' following what you learned from the videos. One illustrating a serif type face, the second a san-serif. (Illustrator or by hand (ink)).
Due: Next class meeting (Feb. 13, 2013) Minimum one complete your choice serif or san-serif.

NOTE: You WILL be receiving a new assignment Wednesday, regardless of how much you have completed on the second. The moral of the story is, get as much done as possible.

Additional: Yes, we will be coming back to the logo.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Meeting Update:
First GAG Meeting for Spring Semester:
This Wednesday, Feb 13th at 2 pm
DDM Class Studio/Lab

This should be a GREAT year for GAG! There are a lot of events coming up in our area and a lot for us to do. We also now have over $2000 in our account to do them.
Anyone expecting to get a degree in DDM are required to attend this and all meetings and participate in activities... the only exception is if you have a class or work at the time of the meeting or activity. (Work = a paid employee and scheduled to work at that time.) You can NOT miss classes for GAG meetings or activities (except field trips).  If you miss a meeting or event you are required to communicate with the officers, committees, or other members to find what happened at the meetings and how you can participate in any activities if they are planed.

If you are in Intro to Graphic Design (DDM 101) or Intro to Mac (DDM 110), or if you are just taking DDM classes as electives like Photography or video, your are welcome, and encouraged to attend and be a member of GAG but it is not required.

What is GAG?
GAG stands for Graphic Arts Group. Currently we are loosely affiliated with AIGA, American Institute of Graphic Design(click here for student member ship page, membership not required at this time). This is one of the issues that we will be discussing at future meetings. Basically, our group is about helping us learn more about the field of graphic arts (graphic design, photography, illustration, animation, video, etc.), help us as students to participate in and travel to events related to our field, and get to know each other and begin to developed a professional network for our selves to help us once we have graduated.

We need Officers: (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.). Ideally officers students who are in or have taken at least Page Layout I.

Added incentive for being an officer... 
Positive - You will receive extra credit at the end of the semester in any of my classes.
Positive -  I can promise you that this is a GREAT opportunity to add strengthen your resume, and will help you get a job after you graduate. 
Negitive - We will loose all that money that you have all worked so hard to get if we don't have officers by the end of the meeting.

Note: If you are interested in being an officer but can not attended the meeting contact; Michelle (, or Rylen (

Friday, February 8, 2013

Missing Jump Drive

Yesterday, something unfortunate happened. Someone lost a jump drive, there are flyers posted around the Studio about it. Everyone check through your bags and see if you didn't pick it up by mistake and return it to the person who lost it or to Robin, Art, or me as soon as possible. The person had a LOT of work on it.


While we do not know if what happened yesterday was an accident or theft, this is a good time to talk about theft before it becomes a problem. Theft is rare in the DDM but it does happen. We are a close group of friends and we trust each other. After a while for some of us it starts feeling like another room of our house, we forget that its a public place, so we forget about protecting our self. It happens to everyone. I do it my self, a few semesters ago I even left a hard drive in there and someone took it. Thankfully, I had everything backed up.

Stealing anything is not a good thing, but stealing a storage device is probably the meanest thing that someone can do in the DDM. When someone does this they are not just taking a $15 (or more) item, they are potentially taking hours, days, weeks, or even entire semester of work, work that could even help get them a job.

This semester is a hard one for all of us. As of now we have no student workers, no part-time, and Rob is not there as much as he use to be either. So we need to be a little more careful and depend on each other a little more than usual.

First Protect your self:
  • Back Up ALL of your work in a few places.
  • STOP working from storage devices:  (Storage device means STORAGE, NOT WORKING DEVICE. Save your work to the computer, put your STORAGE device away in your bag. Save it to your STORAGE device when your done). 
  • Don't leave things in the studio.

Protect Each Other: 
  • If you see someone get up and leave things offer to or at least try to keep an eye on there stuff until they get back.
  • Watch for unfamiliar faces. The DDM Studios are for DDM Students ONLY. If you see someone you don't know ask if they are DDM students. If they are not, "NICELY" explain to them that they need to find a computer lab. If they refuse, tell one of the instructors, or go to the office and tell Linda or Frank (if they are not available who ever is working).
  • Don't be offended or get upset if someone asks you if your a DDM student. This should make you feel better, because it tells you that someone is watching out for you and your stuff.

If you have other ideas how we can make the DDM Studios more safe please comment on this post.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Assignment: Logo Design

Just in case you want to get an early start.

Design a logo for your self as a designer. You should develop both icon and monogram type of logos. At this stage, no color. black and white (color in the next step). Remember, keep it simple. This needs to be designed potentially to be viewed as small as a smartphone icon, to the size of a billboard.

  1. research, Research, RESEARCH
  2. sketch, Sketch, SKETCH
  3. Narrow your ideas down to 3, complete using Adobe Illustrator. 
  4. Print on 8.5x 11 paper, 4 sizes - 1/2in, 1in, 2in, 4in.

Mid-Process Crit: 11:30, Tuesday, Feb. 19
Illustration Student Blog Links:

Convert Documents:

 .ai (Illustrator) = .eps
.psd (Photoshop) = .tif (.tiff)

Folder structure: Main assignment folder holds, Indesign Doc., image folder, type folder)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

GAG Meeting will be postponed till next week. Same time, same place, same rules.

See ya then!


I am REALLY tired of all little rumors you all seem to love so much. In this case specifically about assignments (actually, all of them, but we will discuss that another time). About our joint project...


I don't know how many times I said to both classes... 'If your in both classes you have to do both projects' and 'If your in both classes you will not be doing the type on your own illustration.' and 'No, you will not do the type on your illustration.' and 'You should not use your illustration to design the type because the type would go on a different poster'.

If you are a victim of this rumor, you have a LOT of work to do. I warned you all ageist these things enough. If you have a question, if something doesn't sound quite right ASK who?

No, your not alone... No emails.... No excuses... Just get to work.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Poster Text Grades to Date

This assignment has 5 grades.
  • 100pt for Posting your work (mid-process crit)
  • 100pt Participation (critiquing other posts)
  • 100pt for Design/Composition 
  • 100pt for Demonstrated Technical Skills
  • 100pt for Production and Presentation
So far we have 1 grade out of 5. As of now the grades earned for mid process are; 1 - 100%, 2 - 70%, and 3 - 0s.

If the 0s don't want five 0s which will likely result in failing the class, they need to have there work posted before 11:30am (Feb. 5th) tomorrow morning.

Lets look at this from the numbers end... Most of our assignments have 4 to 5 grade.

On an assignment that earns 4 grades: If you earn one 0, in order to receive a passing grade on this assignment you will need to average 95% on the other 3.

If you do the minimum and post something, even if its not your best work you will at least get a 50% (and the ability to resubmit your work for a better grade). With a 50% you can average less than 80% on the rest and still pass with a C-. It is even possible to get a B+ as a final grade.


Its not enough just to post your work. Get to the crit. Start posting comments.

Before next class. I expect to see each of your names over comments one each persons work.

Some of your are doing GREAT! However, not all of you or even most of you. This is NOT Intro to Graphic Design, none of you are new to this... I had better start seeing a VERY VERY BIG CHANGE in this class VERY VERY SOON, or this is going to be a VERY VERY SMALL CLASS, VERY VERY SOON!!!!

Mardi Gras Type

Come on guys. 
Type means ALL the type! 
 Not just the title.


As we don't have all the info you need to make it up, it can be changed after we get it. Get it up today.


If your name is not in the blog list, you have about 30 min to get it to me AS INSTRUCTED, before I start deciding who will be dropped from the class!

If your assignment is not posted on the blog by in about 1 hour you will be in the same boat!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


ITS NOT TO LATE! But almost.


I know more of you need to be in this class than are signed up. The class is offered ONLY in the fall and spring semester AND ONLY for 1 credit. NO EXCEPTIONS!

DO NOT come to me next year saying you need more than one credit. The answer is and emphatic NO!


First GAG Meeting for Spring Semester:
This Wednesday, Feb 6th at 2 pm
DDM Class Studio/Lab

This should be a GREAT year for GAG! There are a lot of events coming up in our area and a lot for us to do. We also now have over $2000 in our account to do them.
Anyone expecting to get a degree in DDM are required to attend this and all meetings and participate in activities... the only exception is if you have a class or work at the time of the meeting or activity. (Work = a paid employee and scheduled to work at that time.) You can NOT miss classes for GAG meetings or activities (except field trips).  If you miss a meeting or event you are required to communicate with the officers, committees, or other members to find what happened at the meetings and how you can participate in any activities if they are planed.

If you are in Intro to Graphic Design (DDM 101) or Intro to Mac (DDM 110), or if you are just taking DDM classes as electives like Photography or video, your are welcome, and encouraged to attend and be a member of GAG but it is not required.

What is GAG?
GAG stands for Graphic Arts Group. Currently we are loosely affiliated with AIGA, American Institute of Graphic Design(click here for student member ship page, membership not required at this time). This is one of the issues that we will be discussing at future meetings. Basically, our group is about helping us learn more about the field of graphic arts (graphic design, photography, illustration, animation, video, etc.), help us as students to participate in and travel to events related to our field, and get to know each other and begin to developed a professional network for our selves to help us once we have graduated.

We need Officers: (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.). Ideally officers students who are in or have taken at least Page Layout I.

Added incentive for being an officer... 
Positive - You will receive extra credit at the end of the semester in any of my classes.
Positive -  I can promise you that this is a GREAT opportunity to add strengthen your resume, and will help you get a job after you graduate. 
Negitive - We will loose all that money that you have all worked so hard to get if we don't have officers by the end of the meeting.

Note: If you are interested in being an officer but can not attended the meeting contact; Michelle (, or Rylen (

Setting up your Blog

This is to be completed BEFORE class Tuesday. If your name is not in the list (link to the left 'Student Blogs') you need to set it up and/or email the link to it. When you email it 'Page Layout II Blog' as the subject. The web address is to be in the body.

FAQs about this assignment.
  • Yes. If I do not receive it BEFORE our next class meeting (Tuesday, Feb 5th 11:30) it will effect your grade.
  • Yes. If you do not send it as instructed it will effect your grade.
  • Yes. If you sent it to me and its not in the list, you need to send it again or it will effect your grade.
  • Yes. If you don't see your name and link on the student link page (FOR ANY REASON) you need to send it to me as instructed above or it will effect your grade. 
  • Yes. If I sit down at my computer Tuesday after class and I can not put your name and link on the page for ANY REASON, it will effect your grade.
  • No. There will be no time in class to make your blog.  
  • No... It will not effect your grade in a good way it in a good way.  

Setting up your blog...
  1. Log into your Gmail account.
  2. Click “more’ (upper left (Gmail Calendar Document…. more)).
  3. DO NOT select ‘Blogs’ in the pull down. Click ‘even more’.
  4. In the second column under ‘Communicate, show & share’ click ‘Blogger’On the Blogger
  5. Page Click the big orang ‘Create A Blog’ button.
  6. Follow the instructions from here.