Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Assignment: Mardi Gras Type

All projects in progress for Page Layout are on hold. We will come back to them in a week or so. 

New Project: Mardi Gras Type

Mardi Gras is Feb 12. I am not sure if the campus is doing anything this year, but this time we will be prepared if they come to us 2 or 3 days before saying they want posters like last year. Its also a great assignment and a lot fun to do. It also gives us a chance to work like we would if we were a design studio. We will be doing a joint assignment with Illustration II.

We don't have much time but we will need to have them by next week so get busy!

The Assignment: As I said this is a JOINT assignment. We will be doing the type and Illustration will be doing the images.

What you need to do...
1. Research typography used to promote Mardi Gras and study how it is used and designed.
2. Sketch ideas for the type. You can use fonts from the computer but if you look carefully you will notice that most of the type is very organic (smooth and curvy), stylized, this should suggest to you that it was done by hand.

a. Your design may need to go on more than just posters. It should work for t-shirts, buttons, etc. Keep that in mind while your designing it. It needs to work and be readable very small (think 1 inch button) as well as poster sized. If your type ends up being difficult to read as small sizes you have 2 option. Simplify it, or create a simplified version of it to be used specifically for small output.

b. The design should reflect not only Mardi Gras but also UNM and Gallup. 

3. Make it a computer graphic. Our 100 design assignment should help you in the how tos of it... (hmmm... just a thought. Maybe you could incorporate some or those designs into your type somehow? Something to consider anyway.
4. Be prepared to be flexible with your design ideas to make it fit the image you get from the Illustrators.

Deadline: These are to be posted to your blog by the end of class Monday Feb 4th, and you are all to critique each others work before class next Wed. You will be putting the type on the posters during Wednesday's class.

NOTE: If you are in both classes you will NOT be doing the typography for your own illustration.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Spring 2013

Welcome to the Page Layout II class blog, and the 2013 spring semester!

Here you is where we will find all the info for the class, syllabus, outline, assignments, activities, whatever needs to be said will end up here. While this is not an 'Online Class' a great deal of the nuts and bolts even some critiques will be done here on the blog or on the web in general.So bookmark, and check frequently.

Assignments, updates about a particular class, and event info, will be posted here in the main part of the blog. Other info such as syllabus,  how tos, and more static info will be posted in the other stuff link list to the right.

To make it easier I have added a 'FOLLOW BY EMAIL' gadget so if you sign up you will get an email anytime there are changes or updates to the blog.

About your blog for the class. Unlike previous classes, you will need to send the link to your blog. Do NOT post it as a post or comment yourself. It just gets messy and confusing. I will post a page to with your link. If you have it set up send it now, if not get it up and sent soon (don't make me give you a deadline please).