Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Welcome to Finals Week

Hello everyone,

This is finals week, we have no normally scheduled classes so essentially we have open studio throughout the week until thursday. As I said last week due to the snow and technical issues we will be extending our deadline for your completed blog to thursday. I will be in around noon if you would like to see me today.

If you can not get your blog completed by our normal meeting time on thursday please let me know.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Today's Weather = Studio Day

Today will be an open studio day, you are not required to attend.

Considering the weather and expected weather the dead line for your finals (yes, your finals are your blogs) will be extend to next thursday at the end of our normal meeting time.

NOTE: We have very few computers running and the computers in the studios are first come first serve. If you have your own computer at home or access to one else where you are encouraged to use it. Your blogs can be done on any computer, they do not require the studio computers or software. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Class today: Blog Catchup

We will not be meeting in the studio today.

The blogs are getting a little behind. Its easy to get behind and forget about things, just to remind you ALL of your completed assignments are to be posted. Before we meet Thursday all of your assignments are to be posted. The top (or last post) should be wherever you are on the package design (including sketches).

With the book don't forget all of the pages pages.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Assignment IV: Book Design (Part 2)

TOC or Table of Contents.
By now you should have your cover design, and a rough idea or direction for the content pages, (publisher, TOC, chapter head, and body pages).

Right now we want to focus on the TOC. The table of contents is a crucial part of the book, it is the readers map that tells him or her how to get to what they area looking for. It needs to be easy to understand, and interesting to look at.

This is an opportunity for designers to shine and show off there skills. Below is a Pintrest link to a group of  .


3 UNIQE TOC designs due next Tuesday (October 22)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Assignment IV (Part 1) Book Cover Re-Design

Select an existing book (it can be anything you like), and redesign the cover. You may choose any type of cover you like but keep in mind that you will need to reproduce it in a mock-up to complete the assignment. 

Watch this tutorial before you get started:

Mid-Process: October 17 (Next Thursday)
Completed Cover: October 22

Part 2 will be the interior of the book.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assignment III: Logo Design

Its Logo time again. This assignment was for you to produce a personal promo piece. However, if you would like to design for something else that will work too.

You have all done this assignment in the past. The only difference with this one is we need to do a little more planing and structure work. You need to identify your audience, define that audience, and design for that audience. That will be your concept. Before you start coming up with the design you need to define your concept, and share it with me. This should be done ASAP.

If I do not receive a concept from you by saturday morning, I will again assign one.

Once you have defined your concept, it is, Concept Development time. Sketch sketch sketch. We need 3 unique logo designs next tuesday at the beginning of class. You only have one concept but 3 designs communicating that concept.

Sketches: Post your sketches as before, on a separate page of your blog.

Hint: Remember, this is a logo it needs to be clean and identifiable at 1/4 inch and blown up to 80ft tall.

Presentation: If our printer is working, print it, if not bring it however you can. If your doing it by hand use ink for the finished work (brush or sharpie).

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Batman Concept

As our software and technical issues continue to plague us both at home and abroad, taking this into consideration your deadline has been extended till tomorrow morining. Your completed assignment is expected to be posted on your blog as instructed.

  • A page should be added with an appropriately named link (assignment name) containing your sketches. 
  • The finished pieces should be posted as entries into the main part of your blog. 
Online critique is to be completed before our next class, you are to comment on each of your classmates.

Answer these questions. 
  1. Does it communicate the concept?
  2. Is the design easily understood or do you have take time to decipher it? 
  3. If it takes time does this help or hurt it function as a logo?
  4. Can you see it being used effectively as a logo?
  5. Is it neat, clean and or professional?
IF your blog link is missing from the student blog page, or if it is linked to the wrong blog you need to get that to me by 10am tomorrow morning. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog and email

Some rules and how-tos for the blogs.

We have a few changes to the way that we are going to do our blogging this semester. First some reminders about email etiquette.

  • The name of your class is to be the subject of your email, if it involves multiple classes they should be included.  
  • Your class has a name. If asked, what class? Respond with the name NOT the time, or day, or anything else. Especially not 'that one we did the designs or made the pictures in'. Yes, really. 
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions. Do make sure you READ before you ask. If you don't understand something make sure that you have actually read the post or assignment before asking a question. If you have read it, and double checked do not hesitate to ask.
  • Just use common sense.

Your Blogs:
Before we used the blogs for occasional critiques, to turn in work early, or late, and finals. We will continue to do this. but this semester we are going to start using the blogs a lot more. All of our work on them including sketches.

  • The Blog must include your name and the name of the class in the header. It can be in the name of the blog or the description. However you decide to do it, it must clearly indicate who you are and what class it is for.
  • Each image posted is to start with your full name, not abbreviation, nickname or other. 
  • Make a separate page for each assignment, and name the page as such.
  • Post all of your sketches, and work leading up to and including the final piece on that page.
  • The main part of your blog is for finished final work only.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Monday update on Sunday

As some of you may already know, one of our studios are up and running, the other SHOULD be up sometime next week... They NOT ONLY got us up and running they left us with a few surprises. 

In a Nutshell:
  1. The login is your UNM ID and PW, as you would login to your MyUNM.
  2. We now have Adobe CS5, and CS 3 has been removed.
  3. The computers will delete EVERYTHING each night.

What this means to us:

Upgrade CS 5: This sounds like a good thing, and it is... but a bit of a mixed bag. 
  • CS5 is 2 versions newer than we expected to have this semester. 
  • The Adobe Cloud, is essentially CS6, two versions ahead of what we had in the machines. This will make it much easier than it would have been to work between home and the school. 
  • All of your instructors have had no warning about this upgrade, so all of our plans and materials are for cs3. This is going to take some time to get revised so have patient with your instructors.

You need storage: 
  • You can no longer save ANYTHING to the schools computer (for now). If you leave anything it will be automatically deleted before the next morning. You will need a storage device, or online storage subscription. You already have one with your Google account, its called Google ‘Drive’ it is located in the links at the top of your mail page. Drop Box is another very good site to use.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Batman Concepts

Friday is pasted, as has the extra time I have given all of you. If you have not sent me your list of your concepts, the hour has passed. We need 3 unique designs that communicate the following concepts.
  • Corporate 
  • Environmentalist
  • Southwest
Yes, its to late to include your original design, design for each of the above there. I expect to see your concept development sketches on Tuesday at the beginning of class. (Yes, this also will be a grade.)

Time Extension:
Our studio is up, so we are going to extend the deadline for finished work to Thursday (beginning of class, no extra time allotted).

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Assignment Deadline Today

Hello everyone,
Hope your semester is off to a great start!

Just a reminder, your blog and find design assignment is due today at or before 4:15. Don't forget the written part.

Also, even if you have sent me your blog address I expect you send it again notifying me that your assignment is posted.

This is not intended to be a burden for you, it is just online curtsy. It is expected in the professional world so we may as well make a habit of it now.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly Post

Good morning everyone.
Hope you had a great first week of classes, and an even better weekend! I am going to try to add a weekly entry to the class blog this semester. This will be to recap the previous week, and/or to give an overview of what is going on in the upcoming week, and to communicate other issues effecting the class. Don't expect that it will be the same post for each class. Don't read Page Layout and expect that you know what going on with Photo.

I have corresponded with most of you, if you have not sent me an email, or if you have send an email and not received a response from me please send another ASAP (double check the the spelling of the email to be sure you have it correct). This is not a difficult class, but there is a lot of projects and you do not want to get behind. Send it to adelhardt.ddm@gmail.com

Once you have your Find Design posted on your blog email me the address. I have received most of your blog address, however not all. For the sake of keeping things organized, if you have already sent it, send it again (and please don't forget to include your name. There is no way for me to know who 'CoolYazzieDude@gmail.com' is).

Remember, you can't combine blogs, you need a different blog for each class.


ALL of the DDM course conflicts have been resolved.

  • Page Layout II can be taken 2x 
  • 293 Photo can be taken multiple times,
  • Independent Study can be taken for 1cr, 3x. (We are still waiting for registration to change the credit hour, should be done early this week)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Assignment I & II

Assignment I

Yep, its Find Design again, just to get us started thinking again.

Even if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that your know how to do this click HERE and review how to do it.

As you are all experienced and experts at this, in addition to just doing the tracing, on a separate sheet of paper you need to explain what and how design principles and elements, gestalt principles, and how it move and directs you through the piece. See the 'Standing Assignments' link, over there >>>>

This will also count as one of your Descriptive Essay projects.

Once you are done Take a picture, scan, etc. (your phone will work fine for the tracing). The essay portion can be included in the post or you may email it. (If you choose to email it please make the subject fit... Find Design Essay, not Hi or something like that).

Dead Line: Tuesday, Aug 27th  (I will leave the time open, just get it to me before Wed.)

Assignment II: Logo ReDesign

Lets have some fun with this while we get our brain back into it. 

Yes, I know. This is ABSOLUTE HARISY! 
(I can hear a distant mob forming chanting WITCH! BURN HIM! BURN HIM!)
What the He%#! Lets do it anyway!

How many of you thought 'this isn't a logo' when you saw it? Pat your self on the back and when you figure out what it is email me your answer, when you figure it out. (Yes, its a grade too) BUT we are going to make one by incorporating his Initials 'BM" (Yes, I am sick). The Logo and whatever that thing is up there should stand alone or in some way physically connect to each other. 

You may go for a completely new look, or just tweak it a bit, its up to you. It does need to still be recognizable as who/what it is. At a glance it should still communicate the idea and who/what it.

Deadline: Thursday, Aug. 29 beginning of class. 
Just the logo, digital print if possible, digital if printing is not possible, if neither of these are possible for you right now a very well rendered analog image will do. 


Note about the studio situation and Adobe Creative Cloud:

Good News First: Its FREE for the first month, and only $18 for students after that.

Supposedly the studio will be up and running by monday. Even if it is, only about half of our computers are working. That hasn't changed since last year. We also have no student workers again. In a month or so I would expect that many of the ones that are working will not be.

On top of that, over the summer someone decide to steal from our studio. I expect we will have very few hours outside of class times that the studios will be open. If you read the syllabus, you will notice that 'Adobe Creative Cloud subscription' has been added. (While it is on the required materials list, if you don't have a computer that will run it this does not apply to you, contact me and we will work something out.) 

If you are unsure about if your computer will run it call them and ask. It gives you ALL of the Adobe software we have on our machines, but the current versions. If you call them do specify that you will mainly be using Illustrator, Indesign, and Photoshop, (Possibly Lightroom if your in or have taken photography)

Final Note: 
Remember our next and first meeting will be next Thursday, August 29th (don't forget to bring your logo & the other thing).

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to Page Layout II

Looks like we are off to a GREAT start! I am stranded and the studio is out of order and we have no word yet when it will be up again! WHOOHOOO!

They think that will stop us?


To start, to be in this class you must have completed Page Layout I. I'm sorry if you have been misinformed but that is how it has to be.

Now for the rest of you. You all know the routine by now. There are a few changes though, so read the links labeled 'Syllabus' and the one called 'Standing Assignments. We will go over these in more detail soon.

So lets get started with the easiest 300 points you will ever get!

Assignment I: Send me an email (yep, 100pt if you can pull it off correctly the first time). From your Gmail account send me an email with the class name as the subject and your name in the body. This needs to be done NOW! Before tuesdays class.

Assignment II: Get your Blog up. (No, you need to make a new one for this class.) You can include it in the above email too if you like. This needs to be done before next week.

Assignment III: Find the Design. You all remember this from previous classes. Find a full page advertisement. Trace the main shapes on tracing paper, and on a separate paper identify the principles (design and gestalt) used. This is due next Tuesday

Watch this Video on Lynda.com. (It should log you in and bring you right to the video now, if not do it the old way. Login to Lynda then Click the link.
'Developing Ideas and Designing Concepts'

ADDITIONAL: There is a new link called 'General Tutorials' in the 'Links' section over there >>>>
Check it out. It has some general how to videos that are useful to all DDM classes

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

DDM Potluck n Movie Day

Just a reminder. Tomorrow is our end of the semester Potluck and Movie Day. If you can bring something GREAT we will be glad to eat it. If your just to busy with finals to think about it just stop by and have a snack, relax and watch a movie too if you have time. It should start around noon and go till around 5 (latter if you guys want).

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mid Proces May 1 12:33

Yes. 12:33. I am tired of doing things on the hours and since people seem to prefer to come in sometime after anyway maybe we can all make it.

Just to remind you:
  • Mid Process means... The work is FINISHED to the best of your ability. You take the info from the crit to improve it further.  
  • Have a mockup WITH the design on it demonstrating how it will fit with the folds and cuts.
  • Flat print of your design as it would be printed PRE folding and cutting.
For some of you this chance to get a passing grade. Don't blow it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Crit 12:30

I hear a strange silence from the west. Soft murmuring moans and I think a little cursing. I have a feeling some of u need a little more time... Crit 12:30.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Beverage Package Design

The instructions for this project are very simple. You need to create a package design for a fictitious beverage. You may use any medium or software you like, provided that your finished work can be sent to a printer.

Mid-process Crit will be next Wednesday. You will need to show a Mockup bottle/container, and paper mock up of package.

This project will be due the Thursday week before finals.

Examples of student work.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Posters and Posting

I have commented on all of your posters. Read, edit, repost, and have the full documents on Art's computer Monday, Tuesday at the latest. 

Posting: Unless you can explain to me what you don't understand about all of you critiquing everyone work, I expect to see your posts before the end of the day.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I will not be in Wed.

Sorry, I am not feeling any better. I have the flu and will not be able to make it to class. I will post a new assignment soon, so check back.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Library Posters

April 14 – 20 is National Library Week. 

Our new assignment is to make posters for our library.  Just in case you don't know the name of our library is the 'Zollinger Library'.

National Library Week Site

These posters are to be completed and posted on your blog by the end of next class. Only one poster is required, however if you are in Portfolio, or Practicum/Independent study class(s) you may do more than one for credit in those classes.

If you are doing this project in Photoshop keep in mind that it will be printed a minimum of 24 inches and as long as 36 inches on the longest edge. production is essential to any design work and especially your grade for this one. 

If I collect your poster and it is not large enough to be printed (becomes pixilated) you will receive no credit for the project. Same applies to the deadline. If it is not completed on or before the deadline the grade for the project is 0. 

This is a real world project, and will be produced. 'Real world' rules apply. 

  • Its better to have something (even if it is not perfect) than nothing. No, this is not an excuse for sloppy work or poor design.
  • Production: Making something that can be produced. If someone can't print it it is useless to them, and you will not get paid (in this case graded).
  • Details Count: Spelling, Names, Dates, etc. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Lynda.com: Designing a Logo  (Don't forget to login to Lynda first)

Watch this course from beginning to end, take notes on things that you think are important. (Writing things down will help you remember them as well as giving you something to reference). Pay close attention to each thing he talks about, especially while he is problem solving out loud. Think about the questions he is thinking about and ask your self if what he is saying might apply to your designs, write notes on this too.

NOTE: There may be some usefull info in the sections where he talks about transparencies  DO NOT USE TRANSPARENCIES, FALSE DROP SHADOWS, ETC! as a rule anything below the 'Effect' > 'Rasterize' is off limits!

You are welcome to, but are not required to use download and use the exercise files.

(For those of you in Independent/Practicum class, it might be a good idea to apply this to your revision project too.)

After you watch this, go back and look at your 3 logo/icons and see what you can do to improve them. I expect 3 GOOD designs. Not 1 good and one and 2... not so much.

All three logos are to be posted before or within 30 min of the beginning Monday's class. For the rest of that class period (and as long as it takes) you are to crit each others work. All comments are to be posted before the next meeting class (next Wed.) I expect to see comments from each one of you on each design.

Presentation: Each Logo/Icon should be presented: One blog post for each logo; 2 sheets for each logo.
  1. The first sheet shows the logo/icon presented separately, as below.
  2. The second should have the combined logo/icon design in 5 sizes: .5,  1, 1.5, 3 and 6 inch(s) as below. 
(These should be posted exactly as below... Logo/Icon separately first, then the sized sheet.)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Good News & Bad News

The Good News: We are very close to having our full A.A. and A.F.A. Degrees approved and do away with the A.A.S. that causes us so many problems.

The Bad News: I have no help in getting it all put together and the revisions need to be in this Friday. Sooo... to get it done I have to cancel all my classes this week.

Assignments: We will have an assignment, check back here tomorrow. If you want to turn in your last project to keep it safe, slide it under my office door (rm 221).

If you need anything email or chat with me anytime.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

No Class

Class meeting canceled Wed. March 6,

Post your logos on your blog, and crit each other.

Over break work on your layout for a Business Package (business card, letter head, envelope) It will be due (not mounted) Wed. March 20, after break.

If you need anything over break I'm here.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Artist Lecture

There will be an artist lecture, this Tuesday evening by Nancy Fleming.  Nancy is a Roswell based artist who uses found objects from thrift stores to create her colorful and energetic installations. The Lecture will be at 6 pm in the Calvin Hall Auditorium 248-B.  There will be a reception for the artist in the Ingham Chapman Gallery immediately following the lecture.  All are welcome to attend and light refreshments will be served.  See you then.  John Zimmerman

Extra Credit to those who attend so be sure to sign in and tell me.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I may be a little late today. Get started on the assignment below, we will go over it when I get in. Remember to apply principles of design, gestalt, and everything that you learned from the video.


Design a logo for your self as a designer. You should develop both icon and monogram type of logos. At this stage, no color. black and white (color in the next step). Remember, keep it simple. This needs to be designed potentially to be viewed as small as a smartphone icon, to the size of a billboard.


  1. Research, Research, RESEARCH
  2. Sketch, Sketch, SKETCH
  3. Narrow your ideas down to 3, complete using Adobe Illustrator. 
  4. Print on 8.5x 11 paper, 4 sizes - 1/2in, 1in, 2in, 4in.

Mid-Process Crit: 11:30, Tuesday, March 6
  • Show 3 best finished designs
  • Logo and Icon, show separately and combined
  • Color: black
  • Printed: each on 8.5x11 separately.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New rates for Adobe Cloud. You get the full Adobe Suit now for $19.00 a month, I believe Lightroom is included. If your interested them to make sure.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

GAG email


Type Quiz

Click HERE for the Quiz.

This is a take home test. It is due Monday, at 11:30 am. As this is a take home test, open notes, open video, 100% is passing.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Assignment: Type by Hand

  1. Watch ALL of 'Foundations of Type' by Ina Saltz (Take Notes).
  2. Collect at least 5 examples of well done display type. 
  3. Make 2 examples of 'Mardi Gras' following what you learned from the videos. One illustrating a serif type face, the second a san-serif. (Illustrator or by hand (ink)).
Due: Next class meeting (Feb. 13, 2013) Minimum one complete your choice serif or san-serif.

NOTE: You WILL be receiving a new assignment Wednesday, regardless of how much you have completed on the second. The moral of the story is, get as much done as possible.

Additional: Yes, we will be coming back to the logo.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Meeting Update:
First GAG Meeting for Spring Semester:
This Wednesday, Feb 13th at 2 pm
DDM Class Studio/Lab

This should be a GREAT year for GAG! There are a lot of events coming up in our area and a lot for us to do. We also now have over $2000 in our account to do them.
Anyone expecting to get a degree in DDM are required to attend this and all meetings and participate in activities... the only exception is if you have a class or work at the time of the meeting or activity. (Work = a paid employee and scheduled to work at that time.) You can NOT miss classes for GAG meetings or activities (except field trips).  If you miss a meeting or event you are required to communicate with the officers, committees, or other members to find what happened at the meetings and how you can participate in any activities if they are planed.

If you are in Intro to Graphic Design (DDM 101) or Intro to Mac (DDM 110), or if you are just taking DDM classes as electives like Photography or video, your are welcome, and encouraged to attend and be a member of GAG but it is not required.

What is GAG?
GAG stands for Graphic Arts Group. Currently we are loosely affiliated with AIGA, American Institute of Graphic Design(click here for student member ship page, membership not required at this time). This is one of the issues that we will be discussing at future meetings. Basically, our group is about helping us learn more about the field of graphic arts (graphic design, photography, illustration, animation, video, etc.), help us as students to participate in and travel to events related to our field, and get to know each other and begin to developed a professional network for our selves to help us once we have graduated.

We need Officers: (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.). Ideally officers students who are in or have taken at least Page Layout I.

Added incentive for being an officer... 
Positive - You will receive extra credit at the end of the semester in any of my classes.
Positive -  I can promise you that this is a GREAT opportunity to add strengthen your resume, and will help you get a job after you graduate. 
Negitive - We will loose all that money that you have all worked so hard to get if we don't have officers by the end of the meeting.

Note: If you are interested in being an officer but can not attended the meeting contact; Michelle (michelle.eriacho@gmail.com), or Rylen (jackrabbit1492@gmail.com).

Friday, February 8, 2013

Missing Jump Drive

Yesterday, something unfortunate happened. Someone lost a jump drive, there are flyers posted around the Studio about it. Everyone check through your bags and see if you didn't pick it up by mistake and return it to the person who lost it or to Robin, Art, or me as soon as possible. The person had a LOT of work on it.


While we do not know if what happened yesterday was an accident or theft, this is a good time to talk about theft before it becomes a problem. Theft is rare in the DDM but it does happen. We are a close group of friends and we trust each other. After a while for some of us it starts feeling like another room of our house, we forget that its a public place, so we forget about protecting our self. It happens to everyone. I do it my self, a few semesters ago I even left a hard drive in there and someone took it. Thankfully, I had everything backed up.

Stealing anything is not a good thing, but stealing a storage device is probably the meanest thing that someone can do in the DDM. When someone does this they are not just taking a $15 (or more) item, they are potentially taking hours, days, weeks, or even entire semester of work, work that could even help get them a job.

This semester is a hard one for all of us. As of now we have no student workers, no part-time, and Rob is not there as much as he use to be either. So we need to be a little more careful and depend on each other a little more than usual.

First Protect your self:
  • Back Up ALL of your work in a few places.
  • STOP working from storage devices:  (Storage device means STORAGE, NOT WORKING DEVICE. Save your work to the computer, put your STORAGE device away in your bag. Save it to your STORAGE device when your done). 
  • Don't leave things in the studio.

Protect Each Other: 
  • If you see someone get up and leave things offer to or at least try to keep an eye on there stuff until they get back.
  • Watch for unfamiliar faces. The DDM Studios are for DDM Students ONLY. If you see someone you don't know ask if they are DDM students. If they are not, "NICELY" explain to them that they need to find a computer lab. If they refuse, tell one of the instructors, or go to the office and tell Linda or Frank (if they are not available who ever is working).
  • Don't be offended or get upset if someone asks you if your a DDM student. This should make you feel better, because it tells you that someone is watching out for you and your stuff.

If you have other ideas how we can make the DDM Studios more safe please comment on this post.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Assignment: Logo Design

Just in case you want to get an early start.

Design a logo for your self as a designer. You should develop both icon and monogram type of logos. At this stage, no color. black and white (color in the next step). Remember, keep it simple. This needs to be designed potentially to be viewed as small as a smartphone icon, to the size of a billboard.

  1. research, Research, RESEARCH
  2. sketch, Sketch, SKETCH
  3. Narrow your ideas down to 3, complete using Adobe Illustrator. 
  4. Print on 8.5x 11 paper, 4 sizes - 1/2in, 1in, 2in, 4in.

Mid-Process Crit: 11:30, Tuesday, Feb. 19
Illustration Student Blog Links: http://illustrationii.blogspot.com/p/student-blogs.html

Convert Documents:

 .ai (Illustrator) = .eps
.psd (Photoshop) = .tif (.tiff)

Folder structure: Main assignment folder holds, Indesign Doc., image folder, type folder)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

GAG Meeting will be postponed till next week. Same time, same place, same rules.

See ya then!


I am REALLY tired of all little rumors you all seem to love so much. In this case specifically about assignments (actually, all of them, but we will discuss that another time). About our joint project...


I don't know how many times I said to both classes... 'If your in both classes you have to do both projects' and 'If your in both classes you will not be doing the type on your own illustration.' and 'No, you will not do the type on your illustration.' and 'You should not use your illustration to design the type because the type would go on a different poster'.

If you are a victim of this rumor, you have a LOT of work to do. I warned you all ageist these things enough. If you have a question, if something doesn't sound quite right ASK who?

No, your not alone... No emails.... No excuses... Just get to work.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Poster Text Grades to Date

This assignment has 5 grades.
  • 100pt for Posting your work (mid-process crit)
  • 100pt Participation (critiquing other posts)
  • 100pt for Design/Composition 
  • 100pt for Demonstrated Technical Skills
  • 100pt for Production and Presentation
So far we have 1 grade out of 5. As of now the grades earned for mid process are; 1 - 100%, 2 - 70%, and 3 - 0s.

If the 0s don't want five 0s which will likely result in failing the class, they need to have there work posted before 11:30am (Feb. 5th) tomorrow morning.

Lets look at this from the numbers end... Most of our assignments have 4 to 5 grade.

On an assignment that earns 4 grades: If you earn one 0, in order to receive a passing grade on this assignment you will need to average 95% on the other 3.

If you do the minimum and post something, even if its not your best work you will at least get a 50% (and the ability to resubmit your work for a better grade). With a 50% you can average less than 80% on the rest and still pass with a C-. It is even possible to get a B+ as a final grade.


Its not enough just to post your work. Get to the crit. Start posting comments.

Before next class. I expect to see each of your names over comments one each persons work.

Some of your are doing GREAT! However, not all of you or even most of you. This is NOT Intro to Graphic Design, none of you are new to this... I had better start seeing a VERY VERY BIG CHANGE in this class VERY VERY SOON, or this is going to be a VERY VERY SMALL CLASS, VERY VERY SOON!!!!

Mardi Gras Type

Come on guys. 
Type means ALL the type! 
 Not just the title.


As we don't have all the info you need to make it up, it can be changed after we get it. Get it up today.


If your name is not in the blog list, you have about 30 min to get it to me AS INSTRUCTED, before I start deciding who will be dropped from the class!

If your assignment is not posted on the blog by in about 1 hour you will be in the same boat!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


ITS NOT TO LATE! But almost.


I know more of you need to be in this class than are signed up. The class is offered ONLY in the fall and spring semester AND ONLY for 1 credit. NO EXCEPTIONS!

DO NOT come to me next year saying you need more than one credit. The answer is and emphatic NO!


First GAG Meeting for Spring Semester:
This Wednesday, Feb 6th at 2 pm
DDM Class Studio/Lab

This should be a GREAT year for GAG! There are a lot of events coming up in our area and a lot for us to do. We also now have over $2000 in our account to do them.
Anyone expecting to get a degree in DDM are required to attend this and all meetings and participate in activities... the only exception is if you have a class or work at the time of the meeting or activity. (Work = a paid employee and scheduled to work at that time.) You can NOT miss classes for GAG meetings or activities (except field trips).  If you miss a meeting or event you are required to communicate with the officers, committees, or other members to find what happened at the meetings and how you can participate in any activities if they are planed.

If you are in Intro to Graphic Design (DDM 101) or Intro to Mac (DDM 110), or if you are just taking DDM classes as electives like Photography or video, your are welcome, and encouraged to attend and be a member of GAG but it is not required.

What is GAG?
GAG stands for Graphic Arts Group. Currently we are loosely affiliated with AIGA, American Institute of Graphic Design(click here for student member ship page, membership not required at this time). This is one of the issues that we will be discussing at future meetings. Basically, our group is about helping us learn more about the field of graphic arts (graphic design, photography, illustration, animation, video, etc.), help us as students to participate in and travel to events related to our field, and get to know each other and begin to developed a professional network for our selves to help us once we have graduated.

We need Officers: (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.). Ideally officers students who are in or have taken at least Page Layout I.

Added incentive for being an officer... 
Positive - You will receive extra credit at the end of the semester in any of my classes.
Positive -  I can promise you that this is a GREAT opportunity to add strengthen your resume, and will help you get a job after you graduate. 
Negitive - We will loose all that money that you have all worked so hard to get if we don't have officers by the end of the meeting.

Note: If you are interested in being an officer but can not attended the meeting contact; Michelle (michelle.eriacho@gmail.com), or Rylen (jackrabbit1492@gmail.com).

Setting up your Blog

This is to be completed BEFORE class Tuesday. If your name is not in the list (link to the left 'Student Blogs') you need to set it up and/or email the link to it. When you email it 'Page Layout II Blog' as the subject. The web address is to be in the body.

FAQs about this assignment.
  • Yes. If I do not receive it BEFORE our next class meeting (Tuesday, Feb 5th 11:30) it will effect your grade.
  • Yes. If you do not send it as instructed it will effect your grade.
  • Yes. If you sent it to me and its not in the list, you need to send it again or it will effect your grade.
  • Yes. If you don't see your name and link on the student link page (FOR ANY REASON) you need to send it to me as instructed above or it will effect your grade. 
  • Yes. If I sit down at my computer Tuesday after class and I can not put your name and link on the page for ANY REASON, it will effect your grade.
  • No. There will be no time in class to make your blog.  
  • No... It will not effect your grade in a good way it in a good way.  

Setting up your blog...
  1. Log into your Gmail account.
  2. Click “more’ (upper left (Gmail Calendar Document…. more)).
  3. DO NOT select ‘Blogs’ in the pull down. Click ‘even more’.
  4. In the second column under ‘Communicate, show & share’ click ‘Blogger’On the Blogger
  5. Page Click the big orang ‘Create A Blog’ button.
  6. Follow the instructions from here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Assignment: Mardi Gras Type

All projects in progress for Page Layout are on hold. We will come back to them in a week or so. 

New Project: Mardi Gras Type

Mardi Gras is Feb 12. I am not sure if the campus is doing anything this year, but this time we will be prepared if they come to us 2 or 3 days before saying they want posters like last year. Its also a great assignment and a lot fun to do. It also gives us a chance to work like we would if we were a design studio. We will be doing a joint assignment with Illustration II.

We don't have much time but we will need to have them by next week so get busy!

The Assignment: As I said this is a JOINT assignment. We will be doing the type and Illustration will be doing the images.

What you need to do...
1. Research typography used to promote Mardi Gras and study how it is used and designed.
2. Sketch ideas for the type. You can use fonts from the computer but if you look carefully you will notice that most of the type is very organic (smooth and curvy), stylized, this should suggest to you that it was done by hand.

a. Your design may need to go on more than just posters. It should work for t-shirts, buttons, etc. Keep that in mind while your designing it. It needs to work and be readable very small (think 1 inch button) as well as poster sized. If your type ends up being difficult to read as small sizes you have 2 option. Simplify it, or create a simplified version of it to be used specifically for small output.

b. The design should reflect not only Mardi Gras but also UNM and Gallup. 

3. Make it a computer graphic. Our 100 design assignment should help you in the how tos of it... (hmmm... just a thought. Maybe you could incorporate some or those designs into your type somehow? Something to consider anyway.
4. Be prepared to be flexible with your design ideas to make it fit the image you get from the Illustrators.

Deadline: These are to be posted to your blog by the end of class Monday Feb 4th, and you are all to critique each others work before class next Wed. You will be putting the type on the posters during Wednesday's class.

NOTE: If you are in both classes you will NOT be doing the typography for your own illustration.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Spring 2013

Welcome to the Page Layout II class blog, and the 2013 spring semester!

Here you is where we will find all the info for the class, syllabus, outline, assignments, activities, whatever needs to be said will end up here. While this is not an 'Online Class' a great deal of the nuts and bolts even some critiques will be done here on the blog or on the web in general.So bookmark, and check frequently.

Assignments, updates about a particular class, and event info, will be posted here in the main part of the blog. Other info such as syllabus,  how tos, and more static info will be posted in the other stuff link list to the right.

To make it easier I have added a 'FOLLOW BY EMAIL' gadget so if you sign up you will get an email anytime there are changes or updates to the blog.

About your blog for the class. Unlike previous classes, you will need to send the link to your blog. Do NOT post it as a post or comment yourself. It just gets messy and confusing. I will post a page to with your link. If you have it set up send it now, if not get it up and sent soon (don't make me give you a deadline please).